
Coding JavaScript for Mobile Browsers (part 6)

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2.8. Focus and scroll management

You can set the focus to a clickable element (e.g., a form input, link, or button) using the focus function of every DOM element. The most helpful usage is for form input controls. The behavior varies on different mobile browsers. On some touch devices, focusing in a text box should automatically open the onscreen keyboard, and in some cursor-based browsers it will position the cursor over the element.


If the document the user is browsing is form-based, like a search page or a contact us page, it will be better for usability to automatically focus on the first text input. This reduces the amount of navigation the user has to do on the page.

On some devices, the global window object has a scrollTo function that takes two parameters, xPosition and yPosition, specifying the position at the top-left corner of the screen to scroll to. On some devices (like the iPhone), using scrollTo emulates the user’s scrolling and hides the browser’s toolbars, as if the user were scrolling with her fingers. So, for iPhone browsers, it is common to use the following code, which automatically hides the toolbars after the onload event:

window.scrollTo(0, 1);

This function can also be used to generate links to the top of the page, on compatible devices:

<a href="javascript:window.scrollTo(0, 1);">Go to Top</a>

This same behavior can also be applied without JavaScript, using anchors.

Table 10 lists the different browsers’ compatibility with the focus and scrollTo functions.

Table 10. Focus and scrolling compatibility table
Android browserYesYes
Nokia Series 40NoNo
Internet ExplorerNoYes
Motorola Internet BrowserNoNo
Opera MobileYesNo
Opera MiniNoNo

2.9. Timers

JavaScript offers two kinds of timers: setTimeout and setInterval. The first one is executed once and the second one is executed every n milliseconds until it is cancelled using clearInterval.

You can use timers for updating information from the server using Ajax every n seconds, for creating an animation, or for controlling the timeout of an operation.


In mobile browsers, you need to be especially careful about using timers because of the battery consumption. If you need to use many high-frequency timers at the same time, try to manage them using only one timer that will launch different behaviors from the same process.

The first question we need to ask ourselves is, what happens when our web page goes to the background because the user switches focus to another application (in multitasking operating systems) or opens or browses to another tab or window? Another problem is what happens when the phone goes to sleep (because of the user’s inactivity while the script is executing). The behavior of timers can be a little tricky in these situations.

Yet another problem is that timers execute on the same thread as the main script. If our script is taking too much processor time (a normal situation with large scripts on low- and mid-end devices), our timers will be delayed until some spare execution time is found.

If we use a low frequency for the timer (for example, 10 milliseconds), the timer will generally have problems meeting the timetable.

Remember that the JavaScript execution time depends a lot on the device hardware and the browser’s engine. Even if they’re running the same operating system, like Android, execution times can differ: for example, an HTC G1 will be much slower than a Nexus One with a 1-Ghz processor.

Let’s look at a simple example and see what happens normally and when we send the web page to the background:

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Using Timers</title>


<script type="text/javascript">
var timer = setInterval(timerHit, 200);
var q = 0;
var lastTime = new Date().getTime();

function timerHit() {
var deltaTime = new Date().getTime() - lastTime;
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML += q + ": " +
deltaTime + "<br />";
lastTime = new Date().getTime();

// Generate some random delay
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)+5000;
for (var i=0; i<randomNumber; i++) {
var a = new Array();

// We will run only 15 experiments
if (q==15) {

<div id="content">


As shown in Figure 4, the real times are very different on different devices. On low- and mid-end devices, if they work at all, the result is far from our 200 ms intention—some low-end devices don’t even accept timers with a frequency of less than 1 second.
Figure4. Timers will not always have the frequency we want.

Table 11 shows which browsers support timers, and how they handle the timers when the page is in the background.

Table 11. Timers support compatibility table
Browser/platformTimers availableTimers in background
SafariYesStopped. From iOS 4.0: continue working while in other browser's window.
Android browserYesStopped.
Symbian/S60YesStopped. From 2.2: continue working while in other browser's window.
Nokia Series 40No 
webOSYesContinue working.
NetFrontYesNo multitasking.
Internet ExplorerYesStopped.
Motorola Internet BrowserNo 
Opera MobileYesContinue working.
Opera MiniNo 


The Gmail for Mobile team discovered some issues with timer behavior on mobile Safari and Android devices, and made the results public in the team blog at The conclusions are: for low-frequency timers (1 second or more), there are no performance issues, and you can add as many as you want; for high-frequency timers (for example, 100 ms), though, every new timer created makes the UI more sluggish. The preferred solution is to use only one high-frequency timer.

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